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Top 12 Tips and Tricks To Reach Conqueror Tier In Pubg Mobile Easily |
How to Reach Conqueror Tier In Pubg Mobile In Just 15-20 Days. Every Pubg player who plays Pubg seriously, wants to reach Conqueror Tier.
Also Read | Top 18 Tips To Reach Ace Tier In Pubg Mobile
Many of my friends asked me that you were at Conqueror tier in last season. Then please share some of the tips which we can implement and reach the Conqueror rank in Pubg. So on public demand I'm going to share some tips which I implemented to get Conqueror Rank in Pubg Mobile. So lets start with the tips.
1st Tip :- Get a Good Device
2nd Tip :- Get Better Internet Connection
It is important to get an very good internet connection while playing the game. Because due to poor connection you ping / ms in game will increase and you'll not be able to play game in a correct manner. Because when your ping is high you go offline in the game and on your screen it'll show you anything else and you'll do another action in game. So it is also important to get an good internet connection to reach conqueror tier.
3rd Tip :- Learn Claw Control
After having better device and a good internet connection you need to learn claw control. Let it be 3, 4 or 5 finger claw control. Learning claw control will help you to get faster aim and movements. Your shooting abilities will increase after learning claw control.
You can easily do crouch and shoot, prone and shoot, jump and shoot, move and shoot and many other faster movement abilities. You can easily defeat other players with thumb controls by using claw control. Because your movements will be 10x faster than normal players. So make sure if you're pushing your rank to conqueror then surely learn the claw control.
4th Tip :- Some Strategies You Must Follow
Strategies are the most important in Pubg Mobile. You need to have strategies in Pubg Mobile to push your rank to Conqueror.
The most important strategy you must follow is you must not to land in the warzone areas like a noob. If you have mistakenly entered the warzone then first of all find an cover for you and always keep moving from one place to another. Don't stay at one place.
Try not to fire without confirming the location of your enemies. Try to peek and fire when possible. Don't fire if you are not sure that you can take down your enemy or not. Because if you missfire then your enemies surely come to you and take down you.
5th Tip :- Choose Better Teammates
Before starting the match choose your teammates wisely. Don't select noob teammates. Try to play with you friends. Ignore playing with random teammates. Choose atleast 2 pro players in one squad. And concentrate on game, if you want to rank up then don't play game for fun try to concentrate morr on surviving. If you want to play some matches for fun then you can play with your friends in different servers.
6th Tip :- Try To Survive For More Time
You should always try to survive for more time inspite of getting kills. Survival points increase your rating by 70% and kills increase the rating by just 30%. So it's up to you which you want to choose. Survive for more or get more kills. In my personal opinion you should always try to come atleast top 3 when you are at Crown 1 or Ace tier. Because at higher tiers your rating will increase very less if you die at Top 10 or more.
7th Tip :- Don't Exit Any Match
Many players do this mistake that they leave the match in between battle if they have any other work to do. But you're doing this totally wrong. Leaving the matches lead to negative points in your rating. If you want to exit the match then you can only exit when you're in spawn island. Exit before the count down ends.
8th Tip :- Do TeamWork
You should always play in teamwork. Means always stay near to your teammates. Go in groups of 2-2 people or stay all 4 teammates at one place. Because your teammates can help you in worst situations. They can give you cover fire. They'll revive you when youre knocked out. But if you don't stay near your teammates you'll not get revive once you are knocked out. And your game will end up their and you'll get mass negative points rating. So always try to be with your friends.
9th Tip :- Always Carry Smoke grenade and other throwable items.
You should always carry smoke grenades and stun grenades to revive your teammates and confuse your teammates. Fir Example. If your teammate is knocked out then throw a smoke grenade at your knocked teammate and revive your teammate. You can also use stun grenades when rushing into house and enemy is camping at stairs. You can throw a stun grenade to confuse him. I hope this tip will help you to reach conqueror.
10th Tip :- Last Zone Tips
If you're alone in the last zone then try to prone in the grass and throw smoke grenades and try to listen to the sound of your enemies.
But if you're full squad then move around the corners of the safte zone find a good cover of tree or rocks. And try to find your enemies from being inside the cover. Try to stay at the corners of the safe zone. Throw grenades around to try to knock out enemies. Fire only if you are sure that enemy is at that position.
11th Tip :- Avoid Playing Sanhok And Vikendi Map
You should always avoid playing playing the Sanhok and Vikendi map because the match in Sanhok and Vikendi doesn't last for more than 20 minutes. Due to the match of less time, your survival rating and final rating will increase very less compared to rating increased by playing Miramar and Erangle map. But if you'll ask me then I'll suggest you to play miramar map beacuse rating and survival time of Miramar map is way more than of Erangle, Sanhok and Vikendi Map. So go for the Miramar map for pushing rank in less time.
12th Tip :- Best Time To Play The Game
The best time to play the game is around 5 - 8am in morning. Because at this time very less amount of players are active and majority of players are bots and noobs.You can easily takedown them very easily. The second best time to play the game is after 2Am at night. I know everyone cannot play at this time. But to reach Conqueror Rank, you'll have to take some special efforts.
So guys these were the Top 12 ways to reach Conqueror Tier In Pubg Mobile. I hope you got the answer about How to reach Conqueror Tier in Pubg Mobile. Do follow our blig through Email notifications for more amazing content like this. So That's it for today, I'll see you guys in the next one, Bye 👋.